Early Adventures Nursery School & Child Care Centre
Established in 1989, Early Adventures Child Care Centre is a well-respected family service and early learning centre in our community. We aim to enhance the well being of families through responsive, quality services and promote in all our students the attitude, skills and knowledge necessary to live in a global society. We provide a high quality program with a focus on peaceful problem solving, a safe learning experience, learning through play and a sense of belonging for all students.
We are Multi-Cultural, our staff speak the following languages:
- Akan (Twi) - Tigrigna
- Fante - Ukranian
- Spanish
Our centre is in existence to satisfy two important needs. First, to provide a safe, healthy, stimulating environment and care of good quality for the children we serve. Secondly, to provide a program and environment that will focus on children's social, emotional, physical, creative and cognitive development in a holistic way.
Our team is committed to providing a program that contributes to positive experiences and outcomes for children. We encourage self-reflection, discussion, and ongoing collaboration and learning among our team of educators and use documentation to study, interpret, make visible and help inform children's learning and development. We also recognize families as experts who know their children better than anyone else and we value their strength, contributions and unique perspectives.
Our centre's curriculum is not academic in nature, it is a body of experiences promoting the child's total development rather than a body of knowledge he or she must acquire. Early Adventures using How Does Learning Happen?* (HDLH) as a framework to guide our programming and pedagogy.
We recognize every child as an active and engaged learner who explores the world with body, mind, and senses. Children are seen as active participants in their environments and are, by nature, problem solvers. Learning then is an active process where opportunities to explore and interact with the environment are key components in a child's growth and development. Underlying this is the assumption that a child's growth follows a developmental sequence that is universal, but that within that sequence, each child proceeds at different rates and in unique ways.
Early Adventures implements an environment in which children learn through exploration, play and inquiry. When children are playing they are "working" to learn about the world around them. The staff at Early Adventures are dedicated to caring for and encouraging your child(ren). Experiences are purposefully planned, guided by the children's interests and needs. Our program must not be thought of as a way of occupying a child's time, but as an important experience in his or her life contributing to their gradual development. The environment is carefully planned for this purpose and the aim is to help each child attain his or her maximum all-round growth.
Early Adventures Child Care Centre is enrolled in the CWELCC