
Please note that we are not legally defined as a nut-free centre. However, every effort is made in our meal planning not to include nuts or nut products. Should you have any concerns, please feel free to discuss them with the Director. 

Note: For the safety and well being of all children, please do not allow your child to bring any food into the centre at any time.

Meals are catered by "Real Food for Real Kids" and menus are carefully planned in accordance with Canada Food Guide requirements. Our weekly menus are posted in the kitchen, on the Parent/Guardian Information Board and in each classroom.

Parents must inform the Director, in writing, if their child has allergies or food restrictions so that appropriate substitutions/alternate menu items can be provided for meals and snacks.

The meals are served 'family style' in small groups. We also provide a.m. and p.m. snack to our children. In order to help the children prepare for lunch, the staff and children recite the following non-denominational "thank you" for the meal:

"We fold our hands and softly say, thank you for our lunch today. Have a good appetite/Bon Appetit."

Cuisine/Food Allergies or Restrictions